Communicating with your Customers
Social Media has become the main tool for people to communicate with each other in the modern world. Social Media networks act as powerful platforms for families and friends to interact and share content with each other.
But it is not just in the areas of families and friends where social media has had a major influence.
Social Media for Small Business
Social media has also brought major changes into the work place. Where once it was once viewed as something to be used only in a social setting, it has now become a central plank for companies digital marketing plans and strategies.
At thedesignpool we have extensive experience skills and expertise to help you target the best social media channels to reach new and existing customers. We’ll also show you how to use content that will get your target audience excited and engaged with the products and services you are offering . For example we will show you how :
Social Media Ideas
The social media for small business ideas and tips we will provide you with will:
- Build and cement your online reputation
- Re-purpose your best performing text, videos and images and use them across all your social media channels
- Use links from all social media channels and blogs to drive traffic back to your website thus increasing sales.
Facebook for Business
- To leverage the viral power of Facebook to get found quickly
- To create the best types of content that receive lots of shares on Facebook
- To analyze the stats that show how well your business is doing.
- To insert keywords into your pages and profile

Instagram for Business
- To best use images and videos that will get you the maximum shares
- To create Instagram Stories that build viral content for your business
- To use the Instagram video service to grow your business

YouTube for Business
- To create engaging, memorable videos that get shares and likes
- To use keywords to build and increase your user base
- You can maximize your visibility on search engines utilizing the fact that YouTube is owned by Google.
Twitter for Business
- To create short, snappy content that gets retweets and comments.
- How to create Twitter handles to raise your profile

TikTok for Small Business
- Harness the video power of TikTok
- We’ll show you to use its viral pulling power to build an instant audience and generate leads

The Social Media Numbers

The best argument for a business to use social media is that the numbers using the social media platforms keep on growing, Also they are having an ever greater influence on the way customers behave. As can be seen by a survey carried out by Global WebIndex, 54% of social media browsers use social media to research products and, by an extension of that, also review the reputation of the company who is selling them.

Many companies now run customer care portals through social media channels. This is all the more important given the fact that 71% of customers who have had a positive experience with a company on social media, are more likely to recommend the company and its products to families and friends according to Forbes.
The numbers now using each social media platforms means you cannot ignore this audience for your small business.
Our experienced social media professionals can help you manage your social media channels so you achieve maximum coverage and results.